A Look Ahead Quarterly Conference Series – Transition Starts at Diagnosis
The A Look Ahead Quarterly Conference Series brings together expert speakers for training focused on improving the lives of individuals with disabilities, the people who support them, and the community at large. Topics will vary quarterly. Conference participants will leave with information and resources they can use now and in the future.
2019 Dates:
Saturday, February 9th
Saturday, May 11th
Saturday, August 10th
Saturday, November 9th
Breakout Sessions Explore:
- Best Practices
- Possibilities
- The importance of Early Planning
- Real Life Experiences of Individuals with Disabilities and their Families
Follow us on Facebook for conference details. Information will be posted as it is confirmed.
CEUs pending for Texas Educators. Certificate of Participation provided upon request.
Conference Fee: $10. Lunch included.
Limited stipends are available for individuals with disabilities and family members. Please send stipend requests to: programs@arcgmc.org.
Space is limited. Registration required. Attendees and exhibitors: Reserve your spot here.
Sponsorship packages available. Click here for more information.
For more information or questions, please Contact Us.
To find out more about speaking at one of our events please click here to fill out a Speaker Proposal Form.
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